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Why America Family Farms
is the Solution to Your Feed Needs

The America Family Farms Difference

America Family Farms
Consulting Nutritionists
Major Feed Brands
Local Feed Mills
Regional Brands
Pelleted Feeds
Quality Feed Manufacturing
Independent Nutrionists
Controlled Formulas
On Farm Tech Support
Low Overhead
Feed Budgeting Software
Record Services
Local Delivery & Pickup
Specialty Pelleted Feeds

Technological Difference

In today's industry it is about networks and technology. America Family Farms leverages from nationwide contacts, resources and assets to provide these to you.

  • We provide people who specialize in each facet of the process.
  • We provide the computer software and systems which manage and tie resources together.
  • We provide highly-fortified feeds that are manufactured to fit your requirements for:
    - Genetics
    - Ease and accuracy of on-farm manufacturing
    - Ease of use by your people
    - Production flow cycle